Daily Bible: 10/3/22 - 10/9/22

Daily Bible: 10/3/22 - 10/9/22
Lamentations are part of God’s inspired Word to give His people words and a pattern of how we can relate to God in times of loss, pain, grief, and anger.
As you are connecting with the Bible each day look for the lament pattern:
•Turn How is God addressed? Why does the writer turn to God?
•ComplainWhat is the complaint? How is complaint expressed?
•Ask What help is requested from God? How is it requested?
•Trust How is God’s worthiness affirmed?
Consider how this can help you communicate with God in times of loss and disciple those around you as they are grieving.

Monday: Lamentations 3
Tuesday: Psalm 39
Wednesday:Psalm 42
Thursday:Psalm 43
Friday: Psalm 54
Saturday:Psalm 55
Sunday: Psalm 56

If you are reading along with the book Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy please read chapters 5-6.

How will you CONNECT with someone to #B.L.E.S.S.ONE this week?
•Begin with Prayer, Listen, Engage, Serve, Speak Jesus