Thank you for wanting to FIND YOUR SERVE.  


CHILDREN MINISTRIES focuses on servant opportunities to children (Birth - 5th grade): To serve in Children's Ministry a person (18+) must complete Ministry Safe Training, and a background check.
  • WEDNESDAY- this is a 2–3 hour weekly commitment. AWANA meets during the school year on Wednesday nights. 
  • SUNDAY - this is a 1-2 hour commitment per month during the 10:30 am worship time.  
  • Email ministry director today (click HERE)

CONNECT MINISTRIES care for people so that they know the love of Jesus Christ.
  • GREETER - this is a 2 hour commitment per month (or more) to welcome people as the enter the building.
  • NEW HERE - this is a 2 hour commitment per month (or more) to welcome new people, answer any questions they have, and send them a card.
  • USHER - this is a 2 hour commitment per month (or more) to help people find a seat, count attendance, and secure the offering.

FACILITY MINISTRIES care for the Facility so it can be used to further God's Kingdom.
  • AFTER Hours Door Checker - this is a rotational weekly responsibility to come to the church at 9 pm and confirm that the doors are all locked and there are no lights on in the facilities.
  • SECURITY - this is a 4-6 hour commitment once a month to be part of a team that oversees the Security of the building during all three worship services and special events. Safe Sanctuary training is required.
  • In addition, there are opportunities to serve weekly, monthly or occasionally to help with light maintenance, projects, and outdoor work.

OFFICE MINISTRIES help the church run smoothly and efficiently so we can more effectively impact the Kingdom of God.
  • You are invited to serve weekly, monthly or occasionally to help the staff with administrative tasks like copying, data entry, folding, binding, and technology,

SERVE MINISTRIES reach out to our Community so that they can know Jesus.
  • AMERICAN Heritage Girls - this is a 2-3 hour weekly commitment. They meet on Monday evenings year around.  Please click HERE for additional information.
  • CARE Calls - these can be weekly, monthly, or occasional calls to shut-ins, new attendees, or people who have not been in worship for a while.
  • CARE Visits - these can be weekly, monthly or occasional visits to shut-ins, new attendees, or people who have not been in worship for a while.
  • FUNERAL Meals - this is an "as needed" ministry which prepares and serves a meal following a funeral.
  • TAKE items to the Ashville Food Pantry - 1-2 hours a month taking donated items to the Food Pantry.
  • TRAIL Life _ this is a 2-3 hour weekly commitment.  They meet on Monday evenings year around.  Please click HERE for additional information.
  • TRANSPORTATION - 1-2 hours a month (or more) delivering food to people on Saturdays during Village Table as well as picking people up for worship and activities.
  • VILLAGE Table - 2-3 hours a month preparing and sharing a meal on Saturdays from 3:30 pm - 6 pm.
  • VILLAGE Table Food Bank Pick-up - 2-3 hours a month going to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, picking up food and delivering it to the church.

WORSHIP MINISTRIES help us reach up to God so we can worship Jesus.
  • ACOLYTE- this is a 1 worship service a month commitment to light the candles during one of the 3 worship services. Acolyte means carrier of the light and is performed by children or youth.
  • COMMUNION Preparer - this is a 1-2 hour a month commitment to prepare the grape juice and bread for communion at the 3 worship services.
  • MULTI_MEDIA - this is a 1-2 hour a month (or more) to run the multi-media presentation during one or all of the 3 in person worship services. Training is provided.
  • PRAISE Team Vocalist or Band - this is a 3-5 hour commitment to sing or play an instrument at the Saturday in person worship service and/or the 10:30 am Service. Practices are on Thursdays at 6:30 pm as well as an hour before each service. Try outs are required and you must be in process of becoming a member of the church.
  • SETTING Up Chairs - this is a 1-2 hour a week commitment to set the chairs up for Saturday worship service and/or to set up additional chairs for the Sunday Worship service.
  • SOUND Technician - this is a 1-2 hour a month (or more) commitment to run the sound for one of the  3 in person services or 2 online services. Training is provided.
  • VIDEO Camera Operator - this is a 4 hour a month (or more) commitment to run the cameras during our 2 online worship services on Sunday. Training is provided.

YOUTH MINISTRIES focuses on servant opportunities to youth (6th - 12th grade): To serve in Youth Ministry a person (18+) must complete Ministry Safe Training and a background check.
  • HIGH SCHOOL or MIDDLE SCHOOL LifeGroup - this is a 2-3 hour weekly commitment. LIFEGROUPS Meet weekly with occasional breaks. Please click HERE for additional information.
  • THE WAY INDOOR SKATE PARK - this is a 3 hour weekly commitment per month (or more) on Wednesdays, Fridays, or Saturdays. Please click HERE for additional information.