Village Chapel is a group of people who have a passion to share the wholeness and hope of Jesus Christ with everyone we encounter. The church started in 2006 when two congregations in the community merged for the purpose of reaching as many people as possible for Jesus Christ. We are excited God has called you to Village Chapel and we look forward to celebrating the goodness of Jesus with you!

Our Values

God Calls Us - You are not on a random adventure. The One True God knows you and has called you on a powerful mission together.
Everyone Needs Jesus - Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus is the only source of hope and wholeness offered to everyone who has a personal relationship with Him.
We Value Relationships - Being made in the image of the relational God, we are drawn by design to authentic relationships with other people where we experience community, discipleship, and God's presence.
We Help People - Because God created people and Jesus died for them, we desire to show people God’s love by addressing spiritual and physical needs.
Holy Spirit Grows Us - Faith in Jesus changes us. As we surrender to the Holy Spirit, He transforms us by the Bible and gives us power to be new people.


Pastor Kevin Pees - Lead Pastor
EMAIL [email protected]
PHONE  740-983-4268
Josh Riffle - Youth Ministry Director
EMAIL [email protected]
PHONE – 740-954-1054
Jeremy Scoby - Director of Worship
EMAIL [email protected]
PHONE – 740-954-6400
Jo Allen - Administrative Lead
EMAIL[email protected]
PHONE – 740-983-4675
Roy Almasy - Director of Connect/Grow
EMAIL[email protected]
PHONE – 740-954-1055
Israel Schertz - VC Kids Director
EMAIL - [email protected]
PHONE - 740-954-1056
Mary Sabine - Event Coordinator
Jeff Kitchen - Operations Director
EMAIL - jkitchen@villagechapel.org
PHONE - 740-983-6336